
The air-conditioner is one of the most effective cooling appliances to overcome the hot and humid weather in Singapore. Due to this reason, many households found themselves annoyed when they found their aircon is not cold. There are air blowing out from the units, but, it is just not cold enough. When this happens, it may be a sign showing that your units are having some issues. However, it may certainly not be a major issue. In this article, we will be talking about why your air-conditioner is no longer cold or not as cold a before.

Dirty Air-con
Firstly, a dirty air-con unit will affect the different components inside which will affect the efficiency of the unit to decrease. For example, a dirty and clogged air-conditioner will affect the coolness of the unit as the transmission of coolness is significantly reduced due to the dirt. Over time, you will feel that your air-conditioner no longer blowing cool air and worst still, your unit may be actually “over-working” which may reduce the life-span of it. Hence, in order to ensure your aircon is operating efficiently and is in the top notch condition, it is always good to clean your units regularly and have regular maintenance.

Secondly, the life-span of your air-conditioner is also one of the factors that cause the coolness problem. An average lifespan of an aircon is about 8 to 10 years, but it could be shorter or longer depending on the usage and other factors. An air-conditioner needs to have proper maintenance to extend its life-span and to operate efficiently. As years go by, the cooling efficiency of your units may decrease gradually. If your air-conditioners have been over 10 years, it may not be able to provide the coolness as before. Therefore, it is probably the right time to replace your air-conditioners.

Faulty Parts
Thirdly, it could be due to a faulty parts in your aircon which could be due to wear and tear. There are actually several parts in a unit that could cause cooling problems. One of the examples will be the compressor. When a compressor is faulty, it will not be able to transmit the refrigerant to the units and affects the whole cooling process. Hence, causing the units to be unable to produce cooling air. This is considered a major problem and should be rectified immediately by engaging help from professionals. You should also stop using your air-conditioners to prevent worsening of the problem.

Improper Installation
Fourthly, improper installation is another reason why your aircon may not be cold. Some installers do not have proper experience and knowledge in installing the air-conditioners. For example, there are cases where the wiring are not being properly done, which result in potential fire hazard and problems in the near future. Other than that, some of the refrigerant piping are not being installed in a proper manner which affects the cooling transmission process. This often results in reduced cooling efficiency due to poor installation.

In conclusion, if you realise that your aircon is not cold anymore, it is advisable to engage a professional aircon servicing in Singapore to do a thorough check of your units. By doing so, you are able to understand the main reason causing the problem and rectify it.